Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The secret life of Stiles Stilinski

Two TeenWolf posts in one day! Oh my! I must really have a lot to vent about. Well, technically I will probably have three posts about Teen Wolf today. One post is in dedication for tonight's episode, the second post is about the beautiful and witty Stiles Stilinski and lastly, the third post will be a reaction to tonight's episode.

                                            Stiles "Insatiable" Stilinski 

I thought it would be hilarious to add "insatiable" to the title. Last weeks episode of Teen Wolf had be dying with laughter when "evil" Stiles (Dylan O'brien) said the words "insatiable" to Lydia. I do not know why it was so funny, how he literally said "insatiable" was quite frightening. And to be honest, it is weird seeing Stiles as a villain. So, lets talk about Stiles shall we? There are many odd things that makes me wonder...will Stiles die off unexpectedly? For instance, Stiles's mother died right after she started having weird symptoms. And Sherrif Stilinski (Stiles's father) and Melissa McCall (main character: Scott's mother) both took results of Stiles's brain and found similarity between his mom and him. Quite strange eh? 

Moreover, I am so amazed at the wonderful acting skills Dylan O'brien put on for a "evil" Stiles! This show has amazing actresses/actors! For example, last season the teacher (who was madly in love with Derek) turned out to be the evil creature called "The Darach"! Yikes! Quite gorgeous acting by both Haley Webb and Dylan O'brien on their alter egos! Bravo! 

Absolutley CANNOT wait for tonight's episode! Well, I must go back to studying for that history midterm tomorrow! 

-Dor x

**When I refer to "evil" Stiles, I mean the Stiles that is possessed by the nogitsune.  

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