Thursday, March 20, 2014

The secret life of open sessions?

This site,, is a site designed for the love of music. (from my opinion) I do not know who they are but "they" film amazing artists/bands singing live...acoustically. The cinematography and the location of of where each band/singer plays, is simply beautiful!  Soo, you can tell that the people who discovered  "in the open" are music lovers and perhaps, director/cinematographers. For instance, they filmed the gorgeous Ellie Goulding singing Starry eyed and the oh-so-talented Vance joy belting it out to rip tide

My all time favorite band Young the Giant, have been doing "open sessions" and I recently heard them sing "firelight" live in You don't understand the joy it gives listening to band sing acoustically. I mean, the song firelight off the album sounds exactly the same acoustically. Most singers, when they sing acoustically/live, they tend to miss a note or their voice frags a bit. But, nooo. Young the Giant's, Sameer Ghadia  (lead singer) and François Comtois  (background vocals) voices, synced together, are so soothing, breathtaking and alive. I've always noticed that about Ghadia. His voice full of raw emotion and depth. Ah, I wonder what memories come from their music and lyrics. And ofcourse, Payam Doostzadeh, Jacob Tilley, and Eric Cantana's incredible guitar playing make YTG complete perfection. 

If I ever do meet Young the Giant, (which I probably will NEVER EVER) I would ask them to sing islands to me and my two best friends. A little background information on the song islands. My best friend, sister and I freaking LOVE islands (polaris at noon remix). We were overly obsessed with that song two summer ago and wow, it was like listening to the ocean breathe or sing. When  Ghadia croons, "The way you move, a foreign grove, at night.."; It leaves me awestruck at the beauty of his voice. 

Anyways, I am getting off topic! I started out with "in the open" to Young the Giant. haha

OVERALL, film extraordinary artists that must be more known. 

-Dor x

PS: ALL photos I use are from via google!

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