Friday, March 28, 2014

The secret life of fake friends

The wonderful "F" word..

The definition of a friend is: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. (via google search)

 I have many bonds with many people, also known as my friends. I do not understand though why people act a certain way. For instance, I have known one of my friends for my entire high school career. After we went separate ways (meaning different colleges), she never replied or got in contact with me. When fall came and school was in session, I never texted her. However, when Thanksgiving break and Christmas break came by, I tried to contact her and wish her a wonderful break. I even texted her and tried to contact her through facebook. The last straw was when I re-checked my facebook (I do not even USE facebook. I only use it sometimes to keep in contact with family), which I never do but this friend was a special one so I re-checked to see if she replied, and the message was shown as "read" but no response from her. I was perpetually shocked. In a million years I would never expect this friend to be so judgmental and rude. So after that, I just stopped contacting her.

 Overall, who can I trust? What if all friends are back stabbers and liars? I do not even know what to think. Sometimes, I feel as if I am just over reacting about certain situations. Maybe I am maybe I am not? Well, I choose not to think bad things. One can not go into the world with negative thoughts. Optimism is the key to life and in this situation, friends. I can not live scared for the rest of my life wondering what my friends are really like. If I do not get hurt along the way, I will not learn the way of the "real world". 

-Dor x

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