Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The secret life of Hellogoodbye

(Everything is) Debatable...

       I literally just discovered Hellogoodbye's new album, which was released August 2013. Why now? Well, because one of my friends told me that Hellogoodbye has made a come back with a new album! It piqued my interest, so I looked up the song my friend recommended...and my oh my. I have fallen in love instantly.

 When you press the play button, immediately,  my ears perk up at the sound of amazing synth-vocals and drums. Wow, my life seriously just got better. After listening to four minutes of this piece of beauty, I had to replay it several times. I honestly have so many emotions listening to this song: pure bliss, overjoyed, satisfied, amazed, and so much more. My fingers and body start tingling every time I hear this jamm playing! "Everything is debatable" has a very 80's- synth pop-ish feel. Forrest Kline's (lead singer) vocals are simply alive with passion and deep emotion; I am filled with warmth and happiness.  

Ugh, I just wish we had this type of music at my prom! I would SO dance to this type of music and this song. Well, that's long gone to experience again, haha. (Music at prom? That is another story to get into...) Anyways, I seriously have been listening to this song for hours. I am literally listening to it right now, but an acoustic version. 

My favorite lyric from this song is in the chorus:

"It's such an arbitrary line that we dance, 
We waited centuries to throw up our hands" 

-Dor xx

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