Sunday, March 23, 2014

The secret life of a girl-who-has-a-research-paper-due-AT-THE-END-OF-APRIL (aka vent central)


My research paper is due at the end of April! I feel as if my world is tumbling down and I really need to vent so BARE with me guys.

I can not deal with the fact that it is due so soon! I have to read a few sources and a JFK book called Jfk and the unspeakable by James Douglass. I have read a few pages of the book but am confused. JFK's death, is it  government related assassination or just a guy who really hated JFK? A lot of articles I read on the web, tell me different things, so it is quite hard to know the truth!

Hopefully by reading this book (my professor recommended it and he says its the best JFK novel ever written) I will be more educated and have more self valued opinions about JFK and his assassination.

Questions to ponder on: (If you all have any ideas, please feel free to comment!)

1) Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?

2) What did he do in Russia for two years? Or was it two months? (I forget but I read somewhere he went to Russia and it was never documented what he did there..hmm)

3) Did JFK have any rivals?(yes he was the president then and perhaps had a few enemies.)

 (note: I am not HISTORY savvy..)

-Dor x

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