Saturday, March 29, 2014

The secret life of staying-up-till-230AM

I need sleep...ASAP

I honestly need sleep but I actually feel very lively and energetic. Ugh, watch it hit me tomorrow morning! I am going to have to wake up so early too! Oh life. *sighs* Well, let me explain why i am up so late. First of all, I have a research paper that I HAVE NOT started at all. I also just finished a history essay about a novel I read...sort of. I have a bio lab exam coming up next Tuesday...I have not looked at much of the chapters. Oh did I mention, it is 3 chapters? I also have three English readings I must highlight and read. Just a lot of shit going on for me. Plus, I am quite hungry at this moment but am lazy to get up make myself a late night snack. Sooo, overall, I am mad and, as teens these days would say, "salty" (Urban Dictionary it please, if you do not know the meaning) about my life right now. 

I need to work on studying so farewell my friends and no readers. ( I bet NO ONE reads this crap I write but whatever. Do it for the vine. *insert wink emoji* )

-Dor xx

Friday, March 28, 2014

The secret life of fake friends

The wonderful "F" word..

The definition of a friend is: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. (via google search)

 I have many bonds with many people, also known as my friends. I do not understand though why people act a certain way. For instance, I have known one of my friends for my entire high school career. After we went separate ways (meaning different colleges), she never replied or got in contact with me. When fall came and school was in session, I never texted her. However, when Thanksgiving break and Christmas break came by, I tried to contact her and wish her a wonderful break. I even texted her and tried to contact her through facebook. The last straw was when I re-checked my facebook (I do not even USE facebook. I only use it sometimes to keep in contact with family), which I never do but this friend was a special one so I re-checked to see if she replied, and the message was shown as "read" but no response from her. I was perpetually shocked. In a million years I would never expect this friend to be so judgmental and rude. So after that, I just stopped contacting her.

 Overall, who can I trust? What if all friends are back stabbers and liars? I do not even know what to think. Sometimes, I feel as if I am just over reacting about certain situations. Maybe I am maybe I am not? Well, I choose not to think bad things. One can not go into the world with negative thoughts. Optimism is the key to life and in this situation, friends. I can not live scared for the rest of my life wondering what my friends are really like. If I do not get hurt along the way, I will not learn the way of the "real world". 

-Dor x

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Th secret life of a crazed college student

    Well, my history midterm just ended. I can feel the ton of bricks at my chest going away. Haha Honestly though, I was freaking out way too much for that midterm. So for our History midterm, we had to study two very broad topics (that we learned in class) and write an essay about it. We only were given the topics (that were very broad) and the information. We were not given any of the prompt questions though...I think I still managed without the prompt questions being given ahead of time. Anyways, I studied the role of women in the 1850'-1900's and the labor movements.
    I made flashcards and studied for a week. The sad thing was is that the midterm was right after spring break. Which meant I had to study over the spring break. Also, my birthday was on Saturday, the weekend before school was in session again. That made me angry and depressed. I could have fun on the weekend but that meant I would have to study on the weekdays. I was quite distracted though, on spring break. (It was one week long) For instance, I kept waking up late and watching my many shows I had missed when school was in session. Also, I went out with and hung with my cousins because it was their spring break as well. Wherever I went or whatever I did, I always had my flashcards with me. I tried looking at them, or even glancing at them. I swear, it is like I know everything with one glance. That is quite odd for me because usually studying takes up a lot of my time. What I am saying is that in order for me to do well, I always take at least one week to study...WITHOUT distractions.

    However, this time it was different. I do not know why but it was. By the end of the week, I knew mostly all the flashcards my memory. Even the night before the exam, I continued studying until 1 AM and I could close my eyes for 2 seconds and quickly recite everything. It's funny because the morning I woke up for my exam, I was still reciting in my head. Like I was cut off from my dreams, and in my dream I was studying for the history exam.
    Well, who knows how I did. Like my mom says, "Always think positively". And I have and am thinking very optimistically. Flashcards are always helpful. I will definitely recommend it to anyone who is struggling with studying or homework.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

-Dor xxo

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The secret life of a teenage girl's-reaction-of-TeenWolf's-season3-winter-finale


I thought the plot was pretty great! Thankfully, Stiles is back to himself again... and the nigotsune finally left. Oh my, he was a creep! He seriously looked like a mummy with metal teeth. It was frightening and hilarious at the same time. Oh. and "IT" speaks. The nigotsune spoke to Stiles and his friends at the Beacon Hills's school in the season finale. haha It was weird hearing him form actual words. Usually he'd go around in peoples dreams and say stuff like "let me in" was creepy.

BUT can we just look at the fact that one of the twins, Aiden is dead? Does that mean both twins are leaving TeenWolf? First Allison and now one of the twins? In the words Uncle Jesse (from Full House), Have Mercy! I am just angry for the characters dying...ugh MTV writers make me sad. Also, towards the end when Danny was talking to Ethan, and he said "Dude, it's Beacon hills", after he had just stated he knew Ethan was werewolf.


Like what? My gosh, I was dying of laughter! Love me some Danny! He better have a bigger role in the next season!  Anyways, Argent's sister comes back into the story at the very end of the episode! Shocker! Also, I hope Kira will still be on the show as a regular! And..Malia! She just literally enrolled in Beacon Hills and at the end of the episode, Lydia and Kira are shown staring at her. I hope Malia does not become Lydia's new "Allison". (Meaning new best friend because before Allison died, she was Lydia's best friend) Moving onto some more juicer news...there was most definitely a "Sterek" moment, (Derek + Stiles) C'mon now, all the fans must have seen that moment. The scene at the end of the episode when Derek was in a dream and was talking to Stiles. I swear, my feels. There was always a little bromance with those two!

So...this season 3 was a good one. And unfortunately, a sad one. I think I will go cry in the corner now. So, what to look forward next season?'s a list to boggle your mind (as well as mine!):

1) Stiles and Malia? Are they going to be a "thing"?..

2) Argent's sister is back! Why? HOW?

3) What new villains will there be?

4) Will Kira (Arden Cho) still be on the show!? (I HOPE SO!)

5) Peter Hale secretly had "evil intentions" in the season 2 finale...will his true intentions come out in the open?

6) Melissa McCall and her ex Will we see more of Scott's father?

7) With one twin gone, will the other return?

8) Danny knows about the werewolves...will he play more of an important role next season?

9) Issac (my beautiful brit) Lahey...without Allison, what now with his story line? :(

10) How will Argent react finding out about his sister?

-Dor xx

**When I refer to "Argent" I meant Allison's father.

The secret life of Stiles Stilinski

Two TeenWolf posts in one day! Oh my! I must really have a lot to vent about. Well, technically I will probably have three posts about Teen Wolf today. One post is in dedication for tonight's episode, the second post is about the beautiful and witty Stiles Stilinski and lastly, the third post will be a reaction to tonight's episode.

                                            Stiles "Insatiable" Stilinski 

I thought it would be hilarious to add "insatiable" to the title. Last weeks episode of Teen Wolf had be dying with laughter when "evil" Stiles (Dylan O'brien) said the words "insatiable" to Lydia. I do not know why it was so funny, how he literally said "insatiable" was quite frightening. And to be honest, it is weird seeing Stiles as a villain. So, lets talk about Stiles shall we? There are many odd things that makes me wonder...will Stiles die off unexpectedly? For instance, Stiles's mother died right after she started having weird symptoms. And Sherrif Stilinski (Stiles's father) and Melissa McCall (main character: Scott's mother) both took results of Stiles's brain and found similarity between his mom and him. Quite strange eh? 

Moreover, I am so amazed at the wonderful acting skills Dylan O'brien put on for a "evil" Stiles! This show has amazing actresses/actors! For example, last season the teacher (who was madly in love with Derek) turned out to be the evil creature called "The Darach"! Yikes! Quite gorgeous acting by both Haley Webb and Dylan O'brien on their alter egos! Bravo! 

Absolutley CANNOT wait for tonight's episode! Well, I must go back to studying for that history midterm tomorrow! 

-Dor x

**When I refer to "evil" Stiles, I mean the Stiles that is possessed by the nogitsune.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

The secret life of the teen wolf season 3 finale

Teen Wolf season 3: winter finale 

"The Divine Move"

The season finale of Teen wolf will hopefully save Stiles Stilinski and perhaps resurrect Allison Argent from the dead. Honestly, that will never happen, but the fans can hope. right? (Just a side note) In reality though, Crystal Reed (who plays Allison) wanted to leave Teen Wolf to venture out into other avenues of film and tv. Anyways, back to the topic! Overall, the "Oni" are demons controlled by Kira Yukimura's mother. The Oni are searching for the person ( Stiles) who is possessed by the nogitsune (an evil, dark fox spirit that celebrates in pain and chaos). Many events have occurred in the midst of "evil" Stiles roaming the town causing trouble. Tonight's episode we will see what goes down with the nigotsune and the Oni. Will Stiles be free at last? How will Argent react at his daughter's death? 

-Dor x

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The secret life of a girl-who-has-a-research-paper-due-AT-THE-END-OF-APRIL (aka vent central)


My research paper is due at the end of April! I feel as if my world is tumbling down and I really need to vent so BARE with me guys.

I can not deal with the fact that it is due so soon! I have to read a few sources and a JFK book called Jfk and the unspeakable by James Douglass. I have read a few pages of the book but am confused. JFK's death, is it  government related assassination or just a guy who really hated JFK? A lot of articles I read on the web, tell me different things, so it is quite hard to know the truth!

Hopefully by reading this book (my professor recommended it and he says its the best JFK novel ever written) I will be more educated and have more self valued opinions about JFK and his assassination.

Questions to ponder on: (If you all have any ideas, please feel free to comment!)

1) Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?

2) What did he do in Russia for two years? Or was it two months? (I forget but I read somewhere he went to Russia and it was never documented what he did there..hmm)

3) Did JFK have any rivals?(yes he was the president then and perhaps had a few enemies.)

 (note: I am not HISTORY savvy..)

-Dor x

The secret life of a nineteen year old twins

Nasty Nineteen 

Well, my twin sister and I turned nineteen yesterday. woohoo! I completely feel old now..psh all my cousins and friends are making fun of me for being too "old". It's funny, I'm pretty short for my age, so by the time I am like "30", I will look at least 20 something.

We played charades and ate food all night! Perfect birthday! And my cousin made shrimp lasagna and we ordered pizza (pan pizza: spinach/sausage and then another with red peppers and spinach from DOMINOES) and lastly, tostitos chips and salsa. And of course, the finale! The cake! We had tirmamisu cake! That is my favorite type. The rich, creamy, sensational coffee-ish scent and flavor is perfection. After that, we (meaning my friends and cousins) went in a circle (from youngest to oldest) and shared the best memory with me and my sister and why they love us. It was the cutest thing ever!

Especially, my little cousin Erwin, he said the most heartfelt thing in the world! A little paraphrase of what he said: Best cousins in the world, always there for him, helped him with his homework, always help him out, care for him, etc. I literally died inside, too adorable!

Anyways, charades was half the night! It was quite hilarious of what people had to act out! One of my good friends, Jasmine, is the funniest girl EVER. She did most of the funniest charade choices. Afterwards, we did karaoke and sang to our hearts content. I honestly loved it. It's funny that my parents did not really join us for the celebrations. Usually, my rents are there to cut the cake with us, however, cause we are "19" or something they let us do it all alone! Don't get me wrong I dislike my parents as much as any other teenager but it was weird. I liked it.

So cheers to a new year, a new age, and to new beginnings!

-Dor x

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The secret life of open sessions?

This site,, is a site designed for the love of music. (from my opinion) I do not know who they are but "they" film amazing artists/bands singing live...acoustically. The cinematography and the location of of where each band/singer plays, is simply beautiful!  Soo, you can tell that the people who discovered  "in the open" are music lovers and perhaps, director/cinematographers. For instance, they filmed the gorgeous Ellie Goulding singing Starry eyed and the oh-so-talented Vance joy belting it out to rip tide

My all time favorite band Young the Giant, have been doing "open sessions" and I recently heard them sing "firelight" live in You don't understand the joy it gives listening to band sing acoustically. I mean, the song firelight off the album sounds exactly the same acoustically. Most singers, when they sing acoustically/live, they tend to miss a note or their voice frags a bit. But, nooo. Young the Giant's, Sameer Ghadia  (lead singer) and François Comtois  (background vocals) voices, synced together, are so soothing, breathtaking and alive. I've always noticed that about Ghadia. His voice full of raw emotion and depth. Ah, I wonder what memories come from their music and lyrics. And ofcourse, Payam Doostzadeh, Jacob Tilley, and Eric Cantana's incredible guitar playing make YTG complete perfection. 

If I ever do meet Young the Giant, (which I probably will NEVER EVER) I would ask them to sing islands to me and my two best friends. A little background information on the song islands. My best friend, sister and I freaking LOVE islands (polaris at noon remix). We were overly obsessed with that song two summer ago and wow, it was like listening to the ocean breathe or sing. When  Ghadia croons, "The way you move, a foreign grove, at night.."; It leaves me awestruck at the beauty of his voice. 

Anyways, I am getting off topic! I started out with "in the open" to Young the Giant. haha

OVERALL, film extraordinary artists that must be more known. 

-Dor x

PS: ALL photos I use are from via google!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The secret life of Hellogoodbye

(Everything is) Debatable...

       I literally just discovered Hellogoodbye's new album, which was released August 2013. Why now? Well, because one of my friends told me that Hellogoodbye has made a come back with a new album! It piqued my interest, so I looked up the song my friend recommended...and my oh my. I have fallen in love instantly.

 When you press the play button, immediately,  my ears perk up at the sound of amazing synth-vocals and drums. Wow, my life seriously just got better. After listening to four minutes of this piece of beauty, I had to replay it several times. I honestly have so many emotions listening to this song: pure bliss, overjoyed, satisfied, amazed, and so much more. My fingers and body start tingling every time I hear this jamm playing! "Everything is debatable" has a very 80's- synth pop-ish feel. Forrest Kline's (lead singer) vocals are simply alive with passion and deep emotion; I am filled with warmth and happiness.  

Ugh, I just wish we had this type of music at my prom! I would SO dance to this type of music and this song. Well, that's long gone to experience again, haha. (Music at prom? That is another story to get into...) Anyways, I seriously have been listening to this song for hours. I am literally listening to it right now, but an acoustic version. 

My favorite lyric from this song is in the chorus:

"It's such an arbitrary line that we dance, 
We waited centuries to throw up our hands" 

-Dor xx

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The secret life of "A"


  The hit ABC Family show, Pretty Little Liars has got millions hooked worldwide. And tonights episode (aka season FINALE) has got me angry. Let me tell you a few reasons why..

1) Ezra may or may not be dead in the next season

2) We STILL do not know who the infamous "A" is

3) Melissa came out of freakin' no where, I mean we haven't seen Melissa on PLL for months...she comes back out of the blue.. 

4) WAIT. When did Toby go to London?

5) Did I mention the answer ALL fans are dying for: WHO IS "A"? 

6) HOLD THE PHONE. Where did Noel Khan come from? (Again, another character coming out of the blue) 

7) In the flashbacks, why is Mona playing with dolls of Aly? Was she "obsessed" with her or..? 

8) Aly was buried alive by her own mother? THAT'S INSANE. (Fantastic acting/scene Sasha Pieterse and the other PLL girls👌) 

9) At the end of the episode, WHO is burying Aly's mom... WHO meaning.. Who is "A"?

10) And lastly, did I mention, Who is "A"? 

Seriously, (Marlene King and writers) C'mon! Fans (including me) were dying and crying and cringing and anticipating the huge revelation of who "A" really is...but alas, "A" is not revealed. 😫

-Dor xx

Monday, March 17, 2014

The secret life of foster kids, wolf-men and Psycho's.

The Fosters 

This episode has really shaken thing up! First of all, Brandon NEEDS to get over Callie. (Which he sorta realizes by the end of the ep) 
So basically, Brandon tells his parents about how he paid off Ana to save his dad. Mariana finds out that perhaps Zac's mom is schizophrenic or has Alzheimer's disease?. I feel so sad for Zac and how he has to go through all that! Well the positive/happy things about this episode was Zariana. (Aka Zac + Mariana) Honestly, they are the cutest thing ever! Not to mention the gorgoeus and wonderful actor Julian De La Celle (who plays Zac).  I'm literally jumping up and down when theres a "Zariana" scene! 

Catch The Fosters on ABC Family at 9/8 central. 

Teen Wolf

WOWWW. Where to EVEN begin? Well, we found the "real" Stiles, Coach tazes some evil guy, Kira learns some "board game", Scott's dad tells him his secret, oh and did I mention, Allison died?  


Let's let that sink in a bit. ALLISON ARGENT DIED. (One of the stupid Oni stabbed her) I am literally lost for words and I can not contain my emotions. She did die peacefully in the arms of her "first love" (aka Scott) but why? Like WHY WRITERS OF TEEN WOLF. How can you possibly do this to the fans? Like I can not function. What is her father (Mr. Argent) going to live for now? HE HAS NOTHING! His sister died, then his wife, and now his daughter!? This is insane. How could one go through that much torture and pain? I would not be able to deal with it. All I can say is, poor Argent. Well, we all know (us hardcore fans) we'll be depressed for a month. THANKS teenwolf writers. 😭😂😂 

Catch Teen Wolf on MTV at 10/9 central! 


Bates Motel 

Well, a few important things happen in this ep, like: That new girl thinking Norman's gay, Emma is drunk, (The gorgeous) Michael Vartan is in tonights ep as Norma's new love interest, Norma's brother comes into town, oh and did I mention Norma's brother is also  Dylan's dad? 


Let's let that sink in, shall we?
So, Norma has been raped by her brother a countless number of times. she tries to tell Dylan but he won't believe her! Dylan, c'mon! She has been rude to you (yes) but she's your mom AND who on earth would lie about being raped? THAT IS JUST WRONG. (Reminds me so much of Girl with the dragon tattoo series, especially the first book) Norma's brother seems genuinely nice to Dylan. I guess we, as the viewers, don't know for sure what his real motive is. Perhaps, Norma's brother could know Dylan is his son and is sucking up to him..for the money? Or Dylan is feeling like he has a real family other than Norma and Norman? We really do not know. 

Well, next week, I am quite excited to see Michael Vartan's character blossom into something  more! (Not as an evil character though!) And, Dylan's reaction of the your-uncle-is-your-dad.. Priceless. Ha 

Catch Bates Motel on A&E at 10/9 central! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The secret life of "The Bates's" PART 2

Young Norman Bates (left)/ Adult Norman Bates (right)

My comments and "feels" after watching  Pyscho..

       Well, I have just finished watching the film Psycho, and man, it is not what I expected. I suppose since I watched the show (prequel) first, it was a bit odd to see Norman as a "bad person". Since I have seen the show (prequel) before the real movie, I was also a bit confused. Confused because towards the end of the film, we find out Norman had killed his mother. The Norman in the Bates Motel wouldn't harm his mother! I mean, in the SHOW Norman and Norma fight often. However, Norman or Norma would not go so far like killing each other? Right? (Oh, I think I should just read the book!) Then again, in the show, it gives the viewers "hints" or clues to Norman having psychological issues. For instance, the father dying in the first episode of Bates Motel. I think one can infer later in the series that Norman is really the killer of his father. Also, the mother tries to cover it up because she loves her son oh-so-very much and does not want any harm to him.(whoa. that was a RUN ON)  That's where the attached relationship part comes into play. I guess, Norma would move mountains for her son. BUT then again, the show is completely-sort of different than the films.

Overall, I enjoyed the piece where the woman, named Marion, dies. That scene was epic. Hitchcock filmed this without showing any obscene body parts in a shower scene/ murder scene. Honestly, greatly depicted. I read on TCM** site that it took "seven days to film". In my opinion, that is quite absurd! Also, the weirdest part was Norman dressed up as his mother. In the beginning of the film, I would genuinely suspect the mom (Norma) murdering Marion or the detective. However, towards the end, I begun to sense Norman is behind the murders. For instance, when Norman tells the detective that he can not speak with his mother, countless number of times. Even when the detective is very persistent. Lastly, when Marion's sister and Sam go to the sheriff, he told them the mother had died a few years back.

1) "Behind the Camera - Psycho." Turner Classic Movies. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. 

Comparison of the Norman from Bates Motel and Psycho...

       In Bates Motel, Norman is a young man and in Psycho, Norman is a grown man. In Psycho, he is already his aware of his psychological traits. I thought Anthony Perkins did a great job playing Norman. In Bates Motel, Freddie Highmore, as a young Norman, is also wonderfully portrayed. I can totally now understand why and how he got his awkwardness and stuttering from.

I also like the aspect of the brother Dylan entering the story line. Max Thieriot aka Dylan, plays an estranged brother of Norman's. Norman and Dylan have different dads but the same mother. When Dylan comes into the story, Norma is way hesitant about him and is standoffish. However, as the story line progresses, Dylan grows more closer to Norman and Norma. Not in the most cute-family-bonding way, but in a more they-understand-each-other way. The most recent episode (Second season, episode two), when Norman trusts Dylan enough, he lets him in on a secret about Bradley.

I keep babbling, so the last thing I will point out is the relationship between Norma and Norman. I feel its is so extremely-over-the-top creepy. Norma literally asks Norman to do something and he does it. Like a normal obedient child is supposed to. However, when Norman goes to the therapist with his mother, he DOES NOT say a word. Norma literally speaks for him as if she is in Norman's position. Ugh. That makes me angry, like let the kid have a say in what he wants!

ANYWAYS..thank you for listening, whoever you may be. In about a few minutes, a new episode of Once Upon a Time will be airing! (Quite excited for that!)

-Dor xx

The secret life of "The Bates's" PART 1

"A boy's best friend is his mother." - Norman Bates

Well, the heading of this post is mostly directed towards Norma and Norman Bates. Mother and son, Norma and Norman have a very unusual relationship.These characters are based from the novel Psycho by Robert Bloch and the 1960's film Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. In March 2013, the A&E network aired a TV series called Bates Motel. Bates Motel is a prequel to the film Psycho. Season two of Bates Motel aired two weeks ago on March third, 2014.
I personally have not seen the Psycho film or read the novel, so I was a bit freaked out about the weird mother/son relationship between  Norma and Norman. After watching the first episode of the first season, I remember doing a bit of background research before actually fully devoting myself (and time) to the show. I thought the concept was quite interesting. For anyone who does not know what the gist of Bates Motel or Psycho is, then let me educate you on that.


SOO...Basically, the show is a prequel to Psycho. The mom and son have an odd relationship. For instance, whenever the son want to go out with friends the mom feels jealous. She starts getting mad at her son for going out with other "girls" or friends. Also, vice versa, when Norman (the son) sees the mom with any "man", he gets jealous as well. Another example, is the mom (Norma) changes her clothes in front of her son. Now, don;t you think that's a bit odd? I know I do. In addition, Norman (the son) has some odd psychological issue. (SPOILER**) For example, the season one finale, the viewer can infer that Norman killed his teacher. The series does not physically show Norman murdering his teacher, however, in the season 2 premiere, it shows him holding he pearl necklace. QUESTION. How on earth did he get her necklace if he did not kill her?

ANYWAYS, my friends are yelling at me to go watch the film with them soo I will post my feels about the 1960's film Psycho in like a few hours! Good day, everyone. (or no one. because this is my first post!)