Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The secret life of King Joeffrey being nice? (THIS POST IS REALLY LATE)

Game of Thrones: Season 4, episode 2: The Lion and the Rose

(Photo cred goes to tumblr
Plus i thought this was pretty funny) 

Well, So many details and questions in season 4  episode 2. Let's start with the fact that King Joffrey Lannister and Margaery Tyrell's wedding is in session and many dreadful things are going to occur. This episode, sadly, did not speak of the beautiful "Khaleesi" or our little lady, Arya Stark and the ever so gorgeous (even with the beard/scruff he looks fuuh-ine), Jon Snow. 

Towards the beginning of the episode, the scene shows Tyrion and Jamie Lannister at breakfast (I assume?) and Jamie is quite depressed with loosing his hand. At breakfast Tyrion asks him why he's not eating. Jamie stays broodingly silent. Jamie seems lost and depressed and Tyrion, a wonderful brother, encourages him by saying: "You lost a hand, not a stomach". That brought me tears of joy. However, that whole scene with Jamie and Tyrion was just the cutest ever. It definitely showed the more sensitive side of Jamie. Also, a little brotherly love and compassion. The second most important thing is that Joffrey was a (pardon my language) bitch, even at his wedding. He was a complete "arse" aka JERK to Tyrion. All because he is an "imp". HA. Oh, Joffrey is so immature sometimes. He made Tyrion be his "goblet holder" and intentionally kept playing around and making fun of Tyrion in front of the whole kingdom. Not to mention, Tyrion had a sad day. He let his "whore" aka lover, Shay, leave because he knew she would be in trouble because Tywin would kill her. It was a sad goodbye, leading Shay to believe that he hates her. And then Tyrion also has to deal with bitchin' Joffrey? UGH. That makes me super angry. Moving onto Brienne of Tarth. Cersei comes up to her, during the wedding, to thank her for saving Jamie. She then asks her if she loves him. Brienne was speechless and responded with, "Your Grace". Wow, my heart can not take this any longer. It is quite sad because we all know that Brienne loves Jamie. Oh. I wish. Anyways...leading to the big dramatic ending of this episode...King Joffrey's murder. It was quite a shock but I feel some type of way. Happy and a bit shocked. Well first of all, WHO murdered Joffrey? Here are a few options as to who might have murdered Joffrey:

1) Sansa:
Throughout this episode, Joffrey made really rude and painful comments towards the Starks and especially, Ned Stark. Also, Joffrey is quite rude to Tyrion, Sansa'a husband. So that makes her a complete suspect. 
(Side note: "The Fool" had came out of nowhere and had given her this "necklace" which was suspicious because she did not want it but he insisted she take his mothers necklace. Thought that was a bur fishy)

2) Margaery:
Well, she is the wife of Joffrey and "loves" him dearly, even if he is the most snobbish and childish king. Anyways, she seemed too happy so maybe? I mean , she kept trying to distract Joffrey like saying , "Oh look, there's the pie!" I mean , after she fed him and he drank the wine, he started  choking/coughing.

3) Prince Oberyn Martell:
Well, he is known as the "Red Viper" aka known to poison people. (SPOILER: I only know this because of tumblr) Anyways, we knew even from the first episode of this season that he wanted a Lannister dead. So he is another possible choice.

4) Olenna Redwyne
Margaery's grandmother had paid for half the expenses including the food which she brought up a few times at the wedding.. Idk i just have a hunch.

- Dor xx

(This is the lastest post i have done. I was suppose to post this last week but i did not have the time! Haha A new review ans thoughts on the new and most revent GoT ep will be on here shortly! Night guys!) 

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