Friday, June 12, 2015

The secret life of the 'Mirror Kids'

Backward Glass by David Lomax

I am quite a book nerd...BUT because of school and all that, I hadn't been reading as much as I'd like to. Sooo...I went to the library for the first time in like A YEAR and randomly picked out David Lomax's BackwardGlass. And holy crap, what a magical ride that was! I literally could not put the book down! Such a great very twisted and mind blowingly amazing! It was like fate brought me to such an amazing novel. I hope the author keeps writing more books this fucking fantastic! I could so see this book come alive as a fantast film! Ah that would be pretty awesome eh? (the author is canadian...) Reading the summary of the book got me so interested. Like this random boy finds a dead baby with a note from the future? And then there this tale of a someone named 'Prince Harming' who is a pontential threat to the protagonist. And he meets other 'Mirror kids' like himself and they all put this puzzle together and time travel to save a baby from dying? HMmm. I was so fucking confused at first but damn, the book got even more confusing. But I caught on after a few chapters. So many twsits and turns that made me gasp and keep reading till almost four in the morning! 

Questions. I do have some burning questions: oh and ofc some additional statements:
1. Is David Lomax going to write a sequel?
2. Is there any other books the author is working on atm?
3. Why was Curtis called "Prince Harming"? Is it because he was harmful to the kids? Hmm. maybe? it never said in the book but I just asuumed that 4. Poor Rick. I wish he could time travel like Jimmy. 5. John Ward! Poor lad! I wish he would find happiness. He had the most struggle being from like the 17th century. smh
6. Luka and Kenny. wow. I deff saw this coming. Lovely ending to the novel. I loved every inch of it. Made me smile from ear to ear.
7. I hated Rose's mother. Ugh
8. So Luka's grandmother was Peggy?
9. The starwars references SO made my day! 10. When Connor came at the end from 2017, I loved his slang lol. You could so tell he was from the 21st century AHA
11. It's so funny that in this novel the author never really tells you anything...basically, you just figure everything out or put the puzzles together yourself which was pretty fun to do. Very unique way of writing which I loved. xo
Well, I would continue and babble on but...I've got an important place to be tomorrow. Can't be late! ;) So I bid thee farewelll. (Oh gosh I think John Ward aka Obiwan is starting to rub off on me haha)

- Dor xox
thank you my imaginary readers who read my teriffic blog :nail_polish: :sassy_girl: > emoticons

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The secret life of Bates Motel season 3 premiere (late post oooops)

SEASON 3: Episode 1: "A Death in the Family" 

Bates Motel is finally back with a 3rd season! YAY. Finally! So I'm going to start of with some complaints and move into concerns and comments:)

**Spoilers about the actual story behind PSYCHO (#3 specifically!) **

1) I am so glad we're going to see more of Dylan (Max Theriort)! His and Norma's relationship seems like it's growing stronger. They actually had a moment towards the end of the episode: when a depressed Norma talks about her deceased mother. So, I'm excited to see more of Dylan/Norma screen time! I am already starting to fantasize about the cute bonding they could share. As for Norman, he might start getting a bit jealous...

2) What about Emma and Gunner??!! They're suppose to be together! Ugh. Not Norman and Emma. Although, that is what she wanted from the beginning of the show, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 

3) Did Norman really kill that woman who was staying at their motel?? HMMM...

I'm betting he did. Obviously, the "Norma" in Norman came out. Meaning since he has a split identity (one being Norman and one being Norma), Norman's "Norma" side does not like that he is talking to girls. It seems like the only girl in his life is Norma. And she wants it to stay that way! Therefore, the "Norma" (aka his split identity) goes around killing different women that come into contact with Norman. 

4) Dylan's dad/ Norma's he really going to end up staying in their area of White Pine Bay? 

5) The funniest scene for this episode was when Norma caught Norman creeping on one of the guests staying at the motel...How she was minding her business going to throw that trash away and then suddenly see's Norman's "head ass" trying to peep through the woman's bathroom window. HAHAHA 

She doesn't even go THAT close to him...but close enough so he can hear her whisper...and she says something like: "Norman what are you doing?! Get back to the house".

Honestly, the funny part was how she swooped up on him while he was creeping through the window. Also, how she didn't go close to him. I thought she was gonna march right up to him and grab him by the hand and yank him away. OoO But nope! Norma just simply whispered that line (that I mentioned up there). She sounded pretty angry though. HAHHA I'm seriously still laughing about this as I'm typing..

I don't know if y'all thought it was funny or not...but hey, I did. heh :P

ANYWAYS, off to bed for me! Need to wake early for a trip to DC! YAY. Plus, my stupid self is waiting for some boy to respond pfft. Well goodnight my imaginary readers! x

- Dor